Grade 2 ended this week with a field trip to a very unique workplace - Maestrani Chocolate Factory in Flawil, SG. Together with the Early Years and Kindergarten classes we took a rented bus to the picturesque Swiss countryside. After meeting our friendly tour guide, Grade 2 had the opportunity to ask questions about the different jobs involved in the chocolate making process - from the product developer to the chocolatier. We then watched a movie about where cocoa beans come from and had a private tour of the factory floor. Did you know that workers at the factory are allowed to eat as much chocolate as they like? Talk about perks of the job!
Acting 101
We also spent quite a bit of time preparing for our assembly. To do this, we all took the job of an “actor” and practiced our different parts using a loud and clear voice. Each student was also given the challenge of memorizing a short riddle. Grade 2 was also thoughtful enough to give each other constructive feedback during our rehearsals using a scale of 1-5. The hard work will definitely pay off!
Kind regards,
Ms. Christine Aberley